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1.6 Anatomical Terminology â€
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Anatomical Terminology is a form of scientific terminology used by anatomists, zoologists, and health experts such as physicians.

Anatomical terminology uses many unique terms, suffixes, and prefixes derived from Ancient Greek and Latin. These terms can be confusing to those who are not familiar with them, but can more accurately reduce ambiguity and error. Also, since these anatomical terms are not used in everyday conversations, they are less likely to change, and tend not to be misinterpreted.

To illustrate how improperly everyday language can be: a "scar over wrist" can lie on the forearm two or three inches away from the hand or at the base of the hand; and can be on the side-palm or back side of the arm. By using appropriate anatomical terminology, such ambiguity is removed.

An international standard for anatomical terminology, Terminology Anatomica has been made.

Video Anatomical terminology

Word formation

Anatomical terminology has a fairly regular morphology, the same prefixes and suffixes used to add meaning to different roots. The term root often refers to an organ or a network. For example, the names of Latin structures such as the musculus biceps brachii can be divided and refer, musculus for muscles, biceps for "two-headed", like in the brachial region of the arm. The first word tells us what we are talking about, the second describes it, and the third point to the location.

When describing the position of the anatomical structure, the structure can be depicted according to the signs of their close anatomy. These landmarks may include structures, such as the umbilicus or sternum, or the anatomical line , the midclavicular line of the clavicle center. Cephalon or cephalic region refers to the head. This area is further distinguished into the skull (skull), facies (face), fron (forehead), oculus (eye area), auris (ear), bucca (cheek), nasus (nasal), oris (mouth), and mentis. (chin). The neck region is called the cervicis or the cervical region. Examples of structures named on this basis include the frontal muscles, the submental lymph nodes, the buccal membranes and the oculi orbicular muscles.

Sometimes, unique terminology is used to reduce confusion in different parts of the body. For example, different terms are used when the skull is related to its embryonic origin and its position is skewed compared to other animals. Here, Rostral refers to proximity to the front of the nose, and is primarily used when describing the skull. Similarly, different terminology is often used in the arm, in part to reduce the ambiguity of what is "front", "behind", "in" and "outer" surfaces. For this reason, the terms below are used:

  • Radial refers to the radius bone, visible laterally in the standard anatomic position.
  • Ulnar refers to the ulna bone, positioned medial when in a standard anatomic position.

Another term is also used to describe the movements and actions of the hands and feet, and other structures like the eyes.

Maps Anatomical terminology


International morphological terminology is used by colleges of medicine and dentistry and other fields of health sciences. It facilitates communication and exchange between scientists from various countries of the world and is used daily in the fields of research, teaching, and medical care. International morphological terminology refers to the science of morphology as a branch of biological science. In this field, forms and structures are examined as well as changes or developments within the organism. It is descriptive and functional. Essentially, this includes the gross and microscopic anatomy (histology and cytology) of living things. This involves both the development of anatomy (embryology) and adult anatomy. It also includes anatomical comparisons between different species. Vocabulary is broad, diverse and complex, and requires a systematic presentation.

In the international field, a group of experts examine, analyze, and discuss the term morphology of human body structures, forming the terminology committee today (FICAT) of the International Federation of Anatomical Associations (IFAA). This relates to anatomical, histological and embryological terminology. In Latin America, there is a meeting called the Iberian Latin American Symposium Terminology (SILAT), where a group of Pan American Association of Anatomy (PAA) experts who speak Spanish and Portuguese, disseminate and study international morphological terminology.

The current international standard for human anatomy terminology is based on Terminology Anatomica (TA). It was developed by the Federation Committee on Terminology Anatomy (FCAT) and International Federation of Anatomical Associations (IFAA) and released in 1998. This replaces the previous standard, Nomina Anatomica . Terminologia Anatomica contains terminology for about 7500 human (macroscopic) anatomical structures. For microanatomy, known as histology, similar standards exist in Terminologia Histologica, and for embryology, development studies, standards exist in Terminologia Embryologica. These standards define generally accepted names that can be used to refer to histological and embryological structures in journal articles, textbooks, and other fields. In September 2016, two parts of Terminologia Anatomica, including the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, merged to form Terminologia Neuroanatomica.

Recently, Terminologia Anatomica has been felt with considerable criticism of its contents including scope, grammatical and spelling errors, inconsistencies, and errors.

Anatomical terminology | ANATOMY
src: theanatomyofyourbody.files.wordpress.com


Anatomical terminology is often chosen to highlight the relative location of the body structure. For example, an anatomist may describe a group of tissues as "inferior" or the doctor may describe the tumor as a "superficial" deeper body structure.

Anatomical Position

The anatomical term used to describe a location is based on the position of the body in what is called the standard anatomical position . This position is the position in which a person stands, feet walk, with palms facing forward and thumbs facing outwards. Just as the map is usually oriented to the north at the top, the standard body "map," or anatomical position, is that the body stands upright, with the feet on the shoulders wide and parallel, the toes forward. The upper limbs are held to each side, and the palms are facing forward.

Using a standard anatomical position reduces confusion. This means that regardless of body position, the position of the structure in it can be described without ambiguity.


In the case of anatomy, the body is divided into several regions. Up front, the luggage is referred to as "thorax" and "stomach". The back as a common area is the back or back area, and the lower back is the lumbar or lumbar area. The shoulder blade is a scapular area and the breastbone is the sternal region. The abdominal area is the area between the chest and the pelvis. The breast is also called the mammary region, the axilla as axilla and axilla, and the navel as the umbilicus and navel. The pelvis is the lower part of the body, between the stomach and the thigh. The groin, where the thighs join the stem, is the inguinal and inguinal area.

The entire arm is referred to as brachium and brachial, the front of the elbow as antecubitis and antecubital, the back of the elbow as olecranon or olecranal, the forearm as antebrachium and antebrachial, the wrist as the carpus and carpal areas, the hand as the manus and the manual, the palms as palma and palmar, thumb as polex, and radius as digits, phalanges, and phalangeal. Buttocks are gluteus or gluteal regions and pubic areas are pubic.

Anatomy divides the lower extremity to the thigh (the extremity between the hip and knee) and the leg (which refers only to the extremity area between the knee and ankle). The thigh is the femur and the femoral area. The kneecap is a patella and patella while the back of the knee is popliteus and poplitea. The legs (between knee and ankle) are crus and crural areas, the lateral aspect of the foot is the peroneal area, and the calf is the sura and sural area. The ankles are tarsus and tarsal, and the heel is a calcaneus or kalkaneal. The feet are the planks and pedals, and the soles of the planta and plantar. Like the fingers, the toes are also called digits, phalanges, and phalangeal areas. Big toe called as hallux.


To promote clear communication, for example about the location of a patient's abdominal pain or a suspicious mass, the abdominal cavity can be divided into nine regions or four quadrants.


The stomach can be divided into four quadrants, more commonly used in medicine, dividing the cavity with one horizontal line and one vertical line intersecting at the patient's umbilicus (navel). The upper right quadrant (RUQ) includes the right lower rib, the right side of the liver, and the right side of the transverse bowel. The upper left quadrant (LUQ) includes the lower left rib, abdomen, spleen, and upper left region of the transverse colon. The lower right quadrant (RLQ) includes the right half of the small intestine, ascending colon, right hip bone, and upper right of the bladder. The lower left quadrant (LLQ) contains the left half of the small intestine and left hip bone.


A more detailed regional approach divides the cavity into nine areas, with two vertical lines and two horizontal lines drawn according to the landmark structure. Vertical; or the midclavicular line, is pulled as if it had dropped from the midpoint of each clavicle. The superior horizontal line is the subcostal line, drawn immediately lower than the rib. The inferior horizontal line is called the intertubercular line , and is to cross the iliac tubercle, which is found in the superior aspect of the pelvis. The upper right rectangle is the right hypochondriac region and contains the base of the right rib. The upper left rectangle is the left hypochondriac region and contains the base of the left rib.

The epigastric area is the upper middle plaza and contains the lower edge of the liver as well as the upper regions of the stomach. The diaphragm curve is like U inverted over these three areas. The middle right region is called the right lumbar region and contains the ascending colon and the right edge of the small intestine. The central square contains the transverse colon and the upper region of the small intestine. The left lumbar region contains the left edge of the transverse colon and the left edge of the small intestine. The lower right rectangle is the right iliac region and contains the right pelvis and ascending colon. The lower left rectangle is the left iliac region and contains the left hip bone and the lower left region of the small intestine. The lower center rectangle contains the lower part of the pubic bone, the upper region of the bladder and the lower part of the small intestine.

Standard terms

When an anatomist refers to the right and left of the body, it refers to the right and left of the subject, not the right and left of the observer. When looking at the body in anatomical position, the left side of the body is on the right of the observer, and vice versa.

These standard terms avoid confusion. Examples of terms include:

  • Anterior and posterior , which describes the structure in front (anterior) and back (posterior) of the body. For example, the toes are anterior to the heel, and popliteus is in the posterior of the patella.
  • Superior and inferior , which describes the position above (superior) or below (lower) other body parts. For example, the orbit is superior to oris, and the pelvis is lower than the stomach.
  • Proximal and distal , which describes the closer (proximal) or further (distal) position of the torso. For example, the shoulders are proximal to the arm, and the legs are located in the distal part of the knee.
  • superficial and in , which describes structures that are closer to (superficial) or farther than (in) the surface of the body. For example, the skin is shallow to bone, and the brain is deep inside the skull. Sometimes deep is used synonymously with in .
  • Medial and lateral , which describes a position closer to (medial) or farther from the (lateral) midline of the body. For example, the nose is medial to the eye, and the thumb is next to the other fingers.
  • Ventral and backs , which describes the structure that comes from the front (ventral) and the back (back) of the embryo, before rotation of the limbs.
  • Cranial and caudal , which describes the structure close to the top of the skull (skull), and toward the bottom of the body (the tail).
  • Sometimes, sinister for left, and dexter for use rights.
  • Paired , referring to structures that exist on both sides of the body. For example, the hand is a paired structure.


Each of the above location terms can determine the direction of the vector, and the pair of them can determine the axis, that is the orientation line. For example, blood can be said to flow in the proximal or distal direction, and the anteroposterior, mediolateral, and inferosuperior axes are the longitudinal longitudinal lines, such as the X, Y, and Z axes of the Cartesian coordinate system. The axis can be projected onto the appropriate field.


Anatomy is often depicted in the plane , referring to the two dimensional sections of the body. The section is a two-dimensional surface of a truncated three-dimensional structure. The plane is an imaginary two-dimensional surface that passes through the body. Three planes are usually mentioned in anatomy and drugs:

  • The sagittal field is the field that divides the body or organ vertically to the right and left sides. If this vertical plane runs directly in the center of the body, it's called midsagittal or median plane . If it divides the body into an unbalanced right and left side, it is called the parasagittal plane , or more rarely the longitudinal part.
  • The front field is the field that divides the body or organ into the front (front) and the back (back). The frontal field is often referred to as the coronal field , following Latin corona , which means "crown ".
  • transversal field is the field that horizontally divides the body or organs to the top and bottom. Transverse plane produces an image called a cross section.

Anatomical Terminology - ppt download
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Functional state

The term anatomy can be used to describe the functional state of an organ:

  • Anastomosis refers to the relationship between two previously branched structures, such as blood vessels or leaf veins.
  • Patent , which means structures such as arteries or veins that remain abnormally open, such as patent ductus arteriosus, refer to the ductus arteriosus which usually becomes the ligamentum arteriosum within three weeks after birth. Something patent may also refer to channels such as blood vessels, intestinal parts, collecting systems or unclogged channels and remain open to free flow. Such blockages may include calculus (ie kidney stones or gallstones), plaques (such as those encountered in vital arteries such as coronary arteries and cerebral arteries), or other non-specific obstruction, such as mass or intestinal obstruction.
  • A plexus refers to a nerve arrangement such as a net.

Variations of anatomy

The term anatomical variation is used to refer to differences in anatomical structures that are not considered diseases. Many structures differ slightly between people, such as muscles that stick to slightly different places. For example, the presence or absence of a palmaris longitudinal tendon. Anatomical variations are not unlike congenital anomalies, which are regarded as disorders.

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Joints, especially synovial joints allow the body to perform extraordinary movements. Any movement of the synovial joint results from contraction or relaxation of the muscles attached to the bone on both sides of the articulation. The type of movement that can be produced in the synovial joint is determined by its structural type.

Movement types are generally paired, with one opposite to the other. The movement of the body is always depicted in relation to the anatomical position of the body: upright posture, with the upper leg to the side of the body and the palm facing forward.

General movement

Terms that describe motion in general include:

  • Flexes and extensions , which refer to the decreased motion (flexion) or increase (extension) angles between body parts. For example, when standing, the knee is extended.
  • Kidnapping and adductions refers to movements that pull structures away from (kidnapping) or towards (adduction) the center line of the body or limb. For example, a star jump requires legs to be abducted.
  • Internal rotation (or medial rotation ) and external rotation (or lateral rotation ) refers to rotation to direction (internal) or away from the (external) center of the body. For example, Lotus position posture in yoga requires that the foot be rotated externally.
  • Elevation and depression refers to movement in the superior (elevation) or inferior (depression) direction. Mainly refers to movements involving the scapula and the mandible.

Special movements of hands and feet

These terms refer to movements that are considered unique in the hands and feet:

  • Dorsoflection and plantarflexion refers to flexion (dorsiflexion) or foot extension at the ankle. For example, plantarflexion occurs when pressing the brake pedal of the car.
  • Palmarflexion and dorsoflection refers to the flexion motion (palmarfleksion) or extension (dorsoflection) of the hand at the wrist. For example, prayer is often done with arms extended.
  • Pronation and supination refers to the rotation of the forearm or foot so that in an anatomical position the palm of the hand or palm faces anterior (supining) or posterior (pronation) rotation of the forearm. For example, if someone makes a "thumbs up" gesture, supination will cause the thumb to move away from the midline of the body and fingers and move upwards, while pronation will cause the thumb to point to the midline of the body with the back of the hand up.
  • Eversion and inversion refers to a movement that tilts the sole of the foot away from (eversi) or towards the midline's inversion.

Anatomical Terms For Body Parts Anatomical Terminology - Human ...
src: humanbodyanatomy.co


The action muscle that moves the axial skeleton over the connection with the origin and the insertion of the muscles on each side. Insertion of the bone is considered to move in the direction of origin during muscle contraction. Muscles are often present that are involved in several joint actions; capable of performing eg both flexion and extension of the forearm as in biceps and triceps respectively. It is not only to be able to restore muscle action, but also leads to stability of action despite muscle coactivation.

Muscle agonist and antagonist

The muscle that performs the action is agonist , while the contractioning muscle carrying the opposite action is antagonist . For example, the forearm extension is performed by the triceps as an agonist and biceps as antagonists (contractions that will flex on the same joint). The muscles that work together to perform the same action are called synergistic. In the above example synergistic to the biceps can be a brachioradialis and brachialis muscle.

Skeletal and smooth muscle

The dirty muscle anatomy is the most important indicator of its role in the body. One of the most important aspects of muscle gross anatomy is its negation or deficiency. In most muscles, all fibers are oriented in the same direction, running in a line from origin to insertion. In tuber muscles, individual fibers are oriented at an angle relative to the line of action, attached to the tendons and tendon insertion at each end. Because the contracting fibers attract at an angle to the overall action of the muscle, the length changes are smaller, but this same orientation allows more fiber (thus more strength) in the given size muscle. Pennate muscles are usually found where changes in length are less important than maximum strength, such as rectus femur.

Skeletal muscle is arranged in discrete muscle, for example is biceps brachii . The hard and fibrous epimysium of the skeletal muscle is connected and continues with the tendon. In turn, the tendon connects to the periosteum layer that surrounds the bone, allowing the transfer of strength from muscle to bone. Together, this fibrous layer, together with the tendons and ligaments, is a deep fascia of the body.

1-1-7. Anatomical Terminology
src: www.bsonbooks.com


Movements are not limited to synovial joints, although they allow for the most part freedom. Muscles also run on the symphysis, which allows to move for example vertebral columns with compression of intervertebral discs. In addition, synovial joints can be divided into various types, depending on the axis of movement.

1-1-7. Anatomical Terminology
src: www.bsonbooks.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
