Minggu, 15 Juli 2018

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Five Senses - Lessons - Tes Teach
src: sites.psu.edu

A sense is the physiological capacity of the organism that provides data for perception. Their senses and operations, classifications, and theories are overlapping topics studied by various fields, especially neuroscience, cognitive psychology (or cognitive science), and philosophy of perception. The nervous system has certain sensory nervous systems, and sense organs , or sensors , which are dedicated to each sensory.

Humans have many sensors. Vision, auditory, gustation, smell (smell) and touch (somatosensation) are the five traditionally recognized senses. The ability to detect other outside stimuli regulated by the most widely recognized senses also exists, and this sensory modality includes temperature (thermoception), kinesthetic (proprioception), nociception, equilibrioception, vibration (mechanoreception) and various internal stimuli (eg different chemoreceptors to detect the concentration of salt and carbon dioxide in the blood, or hunger and thirst). However, what constitutes understanding is the issue of some debate, leading to difficulties in defining what different meanings mean, and where the boundary between responses to related stimuli lies.

Other animals also have receptors to sense the world around them, with varying degrees of ability among species. Humans have a relatively weak sense of smell and a stronger sense of vision compared to many other mammals while some animals may lack one or more of the traditional senses. Some animals can also absorb and interpret sensory stimuli in very different ways. Some animal species are able to sense the world in ways that humans can not, with some species able to sense electric and magnetic fields, and detect water and current pressure.

Video Sense


The widely accepted definition of definition is "A system consisting of a group of sensory cell types that respond to a particular physical phenomenon, and that corresponds to a particular set of regions within the brain where signals are received and interpreted." There is no definite agreement about the number of senses because of the different definitions of what the senses are.

The senses are often divided into exteroceptive and interoceptive:

  • The sensory senses are the senses that sense the position, the motion, and the state of the body itself, known as the proprioceptive senses . The external senses include the traditional five: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, as well as thermoception (temperature difference) and possibly additional weak magnetoception (direction). Proprioceptive senses include nociceptive (pain); equilibrioception (balance); proprioception (sense of position and movement of body parts themselves).
  • Interoceptive senses are sensory sensations in internal organs.

Non-human animals can have senses that do not exist in humans, such as electroreception and polarized light detection.

In Buddhist philosophy, Ayatana or "sense base" includes the mind as sense organ, in addition to the traditional five. This addition to the widely recognized senses may arise from the psychological orientations involved in Buddhist thought and practice. The thought that is considered by itself is seen as a major gateway to a different spectrum of phenomena different from physical sense data. This view of the human sense system shows the importance of internal sources of sensation and perception that complement our experience of the outside world.

Maps Sense

Five traditional senses


Vision or vision (the adjective: visual/optical) is the ability of the eye (s) to focus and detect visible light images on the photoreceptor in the retina of each eye resulting in electrical nerve impulses for different colors, colors, and brightness. There are two types of photoreceptors: rods and cones. The stem is very sensitive to light, but does not distinguish color. The cones distinguish colors, but are less sensitive to dim light. There is some disagreement as to whether this is one, two or three senses. Neuroanatomists generally regard it as two senses, given that different receptors are responsible for the perception of color and brightness. Some argue that stereopsis, depth perception using both eyes, is also a feeling, but is generally regarded as a cognitive (ie, post-sensory) function of the brain's visual cortex in which patterns and objects in the image are recognized. and interpreted based on information previously learned. This is called visual memory.

The inability to see is called blindness. Blindness can occur from eye damage, especially in the retina, optic nerve damage that connects each eye to the brain, and/or from stroke (infarction in the brain). Temporary or permanent blindness can be caused by toxins or drugs.

People who are blind from degradation or damage to the visual cortex, but still have functional eyes, are actually capable for some level of vision and reaction to visual stimuli but not conscious perceptions; this is known as blindsight. People with blindsight usually do not realize that they react to visual sources, and instead simply unconsciously adjust their behavior with the stimulus.

On February 14, 2013 researchers developed a nerve implant that gives mice the ability to sense infrared light that for the first time provides living creatures with new abilities, not just replacing or adding to existing abilities.


Listening or audition (adjective form: hearing) is a sense of sound perception. Hearing is about vibration. Mechanoreceptors convert movements into electrical nerve pulses, located in the inner ear. Because the sound is vibration, it spreads through the medium like air, this vibration detection, that is, the sense of hearing, is a mechanical feeling because this vibration is mechanically carried out from the eardrum through a series of small bones up to like hair. fibers in the inner ear, which detect the mechanical motion of the fibers in the range of about 20 to 20,000 hertz, with substantial variation among individuals. Hearing at high frequencies decreases with age. Inability to hear is called deafness or hearing loss. Sound can also be detected as a vibration through the body through tactics. The audible low frequency is detected this way. Some people with hearing impairment can determine the direction and location of the vibrations picked up through the foot.


Taste or gustation (form adjectiva: gustatory) is one of the traditional senses. This refers to the ability to detect the taste of substances such as food, certain minerals, and toxins, etc. Taste is often confused with the "flavors" of flavors, which are a combination of taste and smell perception.

The flavor depends on the smell, texture, and temperature as well as on the flavor. Humans receive taste through sensory organs called taste buds, or gustatory caldera, concentrated on the upper surface of the tongue. There are five basic flavors: sweet, bitter, sour, salty and umami. Other tastes such as calcium and free fatty acids may also be basic tastes but have not received widespread acceptance. The inability to taste is called ageusia.


Smell or olfactory (form of adjectiva: olfaction) is another "chemical" meaning. Unlike taste, there are hundreds of olfactory receptors (388 according to one source), each binding a particular molecular feature. The odor molecule has various features and, thus, stimulates specific receptors more or less strongly. The combination of excitatory signals from these different receptors forms what we perceive as the smell of molecules.

In the brain, smell is processed by the olfactory system. The olfactory receptor muscle in the nose is different from most other neurons because it dies and regenerates regularly. The inability to smell is called anosmia. Some neurons in the nose specifically to detect pheromones.


Touch or somatosensation (somatic adjective), also called tactition (form adjective: touch) or mechanoreception , is a perception resulting from activation of nerve receptors, commonly in the skin including hair follicles, but also in the tongue, throat, and mucosa. Various pressure receptors respond to pressure variations (hard, brushing, sustaining, etc.). Touches of itching caused by insect or allergy bites involve special itchy special neurons in the skin and spinal cord. The loss or impaired ability to feel anything touched is called tactile anesthesia. Paresthesia is a sensation of tingling, puncture, or numbness of the skin that may be caused by nerve damage and may be permanent or temporary.

Photos: Sense, - Coloring Page for Kids
src: coloringpagewiki.com

Other feelings

Balance and acceleration

Balance , equilibrioception , or vestibular flavor is a feeling that allows an organism to sense body movement, direction, and acceleration, and to achieve and maintain balance and postural balance. The organ equilibrioception is a vestibular labyrinthine system found in both inner ears. In technical terms, these organs are responsible for two senses of angular momentum acceleration and linear acceleration (which also sense gravity), but they are known together as equilibrioception.

The vestibular nerve performs information from sensory receptors in three ampullas that sense fluid motion in three semicircular canals caused by a three-dimensional rotation of the head. The vestibular nerve also performs information from utrikulus and saccule, which contain sensory receptors such as hair that bends under the weight otolith (which is a small crystal of calcium carbonate) that provides the inertia needed to detect head rotation, linear acceleration, and gravitational direction.


Thermoception is a taste of heat and the absence of heat ( cold ) by the skin and the inner skin, or, more precisely, (heat flow rate) in this area. There are special receptors for cold temperatures (downhill) and for heat (temperature increase). The cold receptors play an important role in the animal's sense of smell, telling the wind. The heat receptors are sensitive to infrared radiation and can occur in specific organs, eg in the pit viper. The thermoceptors in the skin are very different from homeostatic thermoceptors in the brain (hypothalamus), which provide feedback on internal body temperature.


Proprioception , kinesthetic , provides the brain's parietal cortex with information about the movement and the relative position of the body part. Neurologists test this flavor by telling patients to close their eyes and touch their own noses with their fingertips. Assuming the proper proprioceptive function, there will be no time for a person to lose consciousness where the true hand, though not detected by other senses. Proprioception and touch are related in a subtle way, and their damage results in a surprising and profound deficit in perception and action.


Nociception (physiological pain) indicates nerve damage or tissue damage. Three types of pain receptors are skin (skin), somatic (joints and bones), and visceral (organ of the body). It was previously believed that pain is merely the excessive pressure of receptors, but research in the first half of the 20th century shows that pain is a different phenomenon that is intertwined with all other senses, including touch. Pain was once considered a completely subjective experience, but recent research has shown that pain is registered in the anterior cingulate gyrus of the brain. The main function of pain is to draw our attention to danger and motivate us to avoid it. For example, humans avoid touching sharp needles, or hot objects, or extending arms beyond the safe limits because they are dangerous, and therefore painful. Without pain, people can do many dangerous things without realizing the danger.

Sexual stimulation

Sexual stimulation is a stimulus (including body contact) that leads to, improves and maintains sexual arousal, and can cause orgasm. Unlike the general sense of touch, sexual stimulation is strongly associated with hormonal activity and chemical triggers in the body. Although sexual arousal can appear without physical stimulation, achieving orgasm usually requires physical sexual arousal.

Other internal sensors

An internal sense also known as interoception is "a feeling that is usually stimulated from within the body". This involves many sensory receptors in the internal organs, such as the neurologically-oriented stretching receptors. Interception is considered not typical in clinical conditions such as alexithymia. Some examples of specific receptors are:

  • Hunger is a sensation governed by a series of brain structures (eg, hypothalamus) responsible for energy homeostasis.
  • Pulmonary stretch receptors are found in the lungs and control the rate of respiration.
  • Peripheral chemoreceptors monitor the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the brain to give a feeling of suffocation if carbon dioxide levels are too high.
  • The chemoreceptor trigger zone is the medulla area in the brain that receives input from a drug or blood-containing hormone, and communicates with the vomiting center.
  • The chemoreceptor in the circulatory system also measures salt and immediately feels thirsty if it is too high; they can also respond to high blood sugar levels in diabetics.
  • Skin receptors on the skin not only respond to touch, pressure, temperature and vibration, but also respond to vasodilation in the skin such as flushing.
  • Stretching receptors on distended gastrointestinal tract distension that can cause colicky pain.
  • Stimulation of the sensory receptors in the esophagus causes a feeling in the throat when swallowing, vomiting, or during acid reflux.
  • The sensory receptors in the pharyngeal mucosa, similar to the touch receptors in the skin, sense foreign substances such as food that can cause vomiting reflexes and appropriate choking sensations.
  • Stimulation of sensory receptors in the bladder and rectum can lead to satiety sensations.
  • Stimulation of stretching sensors that feel the dilation of various blood vessels can cause pain, such as headaches caused by brain artery vasodilation.
  • Cardioception refers to the perception of cardiac activity.
  • Opsins and direct DNA damage to melanocytes and keratinocytes can sense ultraviolet radiation, which plays a role in pigmentation and sunburn.

Top 20 Quotes about Common SenseLanre Dahunsi | Lanre Dahunsi
src: www.lanredahunsi.com

Perception is not based on certain sensory organs


Chronology refers to how the passage of time is felt and experienced. Although the sense of time is not associated with any particular sensory system, the work of psychologists and neurologists suggests that the human brain does have a system that regulates time perception, comprising highly distributed systems involving the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and basal ganglia. One particular component, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, is responsible for the circadian rhythms (or everyday), while other cell groups seem to be capable of shorter durability (ultradian).

One or more dopaminergic pathways in the central nervous system appear to have a strong modulation effect on mental chronometry, especially at intervals.


The agency sense refers to the subjective feeling of having chosen a particular action. Some conditions, such as schizophrenia, can cause a loss of this flavor, causing a person to feel like a machine or even leading to delusions controlled from some outside source. Extreme opposites are also happening, with some people experiencing everything in their environment as if they have decided that it will happen.

Even in non-pathological cases, there is a measurable difference between making decisions and agency feelings. Through methods such as the Libet experiment, a gap of half a second or more can be detected since there are neurologic signs detected from a decision that has been made at a time when the subject really becomes aware of the decision.

There are also experiments in which agency illusions are induced on subjects who are psychologically normal. In Wegner and Wheatley 1999, subjects were instructed to move the mouse around the scene and pointed to the image about once every thirty seconds. However, the second person - acting as a test subject but actually a confederation - holds their hand on the mouse at the same time, and controls some movement. Experiments are able to set the subject to see certain "forced discharges" as if they were their own choice.


Memory recognition is sometimes divided into two functions by neurologists: familiarity and recollection. A strong sense of intimacy can occur without memory, for example in the case of deja vu. The temporal lobe, in particular the perirhinal cortex, responds differently to stimuli that feel new than familiar things. The burn rate in the perirhinal cortex is connected with a sense of familiarity in humans and other mammals. In tests, stimulating this area at 10-15Ã, Hz causes the animal to treat even a familiar new image, and stimulation at 30-40 Hz causes the new image to be partially treated as familiar. In particular, stimulation at 30-40 Hz causes animals to see familiar images for longer periods, such as for the unknown; but that does not lead to the same exploratory behavior that is usually associated with new things. Recent research on lesions in the area concluded that mice with damaged perirhinal cortex are still more interested in exploring when new objects are present, but apparently unable to tell new objects of familiar objects - they examine them equally. Thus, other areas of the brain are involved with attention to unfamiliarity, but the perirhinal cortex is needed to associate feelings with a particular source.

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src: cdn.shopify.com

Non-human senses

Analog with the human senses

Other living organisms have receptors to feel the world around them, including the many senses listed above for humans. However, the mechanism and ability vary greatly.


Most non-human mammals have a much stronger sense of smell than humans, although the mechanisms are similar. An example of odor in non-mammals is the shark, which combines their keen sense of smell with time to determine the direction of smell. They follow the nostrils that first detect the smell. Insects have olfactory receptors on their antennae.

Vomeronasal Organ

Many animals (salamanders, reptiles, mammals) have vomeronasal organs connected to the oral cavity. In mammals it is primarily used to detect pheromones from marked areas, pathways, and sexual conditions. Reptiles such as snakes and monitor lizards make use of them widely as odorous organs by transferring molecular scents to vomeronasal organs with the tip of the forked tongue. In vomeronasal organ reptiles are often referred to as Jacobsons organs. In mammals, it is often associated with a special behavior called flehmen that is characterized by lifting the lips. The organ is residual in humans, since neurons have not yet been found that provide sensory input in humans.


Flies and butterflies have tasting organs on their feet, allowing them to feel whatever they are planting. Catfish have tasty organs all over their bodies, and can feel whatever they touch, including chemicals in the water.

Sight and light sensing

Cats have the ability to see in low light, which is due to the muscles around the irides-those who contract and expand their pupils-also into tapetum lucidum, the reflective membrane that optimizes the image. Pit vipers, pythons and some boas have organs that allow them to detect infrared light, so that these snakes can feel the heat of their prey bodies. Common vampire bats may also have infrared sensors on their noses. It has been found that birds and some other animals are tetromromate and have the ability to see in ultraviolet up to 300 nanometers. Bees and dragonflies can also be seen in ultraviolet. The mantis shrimp can see polarized light and multispectral images and have twelve different color receptor types, unlike humans that have three types and most mammals that have two types.

Cephalopods have the ability to change color using chromatophore in their skin. The researchers believe that the opsin in the skin can sense different wavelengths of light and help creatures choose colors that disguise them, apart from light input from the eye. Other researchers hypothesize that cephalopod eyes in species with only single photoreceptor proteins can use chromatic aberrations to convert monochromatic vision into color vision, describe pupils shaped like U, W, or dumbbell, and explain the need to display colorful mating. Some cephalopods can distinguish the polarization of light.


Many invertebrates have statocysts, which are sensors for acceleration and orientation that work very differently from the mammalian semi-circular canals.

Gravity sensing

Some plants (such as mustard) have genes that are important for plants to sense the direction of gravity. If this gene is disabled by mutation, the plant can not grow upright.

Not analogous to the human senses

In addition, some animals have senses that humans do not possess, including the following:


Certain animals, including bats and cetaceans, have the ability to determine orientation to other objects through the interpretation of reflected sound (such as sonar). They most often use this to navigate through poor lighting conditions or to identify and track their prey. There is currently uncertainty as to whether this is only a highly developed post-sensory interpretation of the perception of hearing or it is really a separate understanding. Resolution of this issue will require an animal brain scan when they actually do an ecolocation, a task that has proved difficult in practice.

Blind people report that they can navigate and in some cases identify objects by interpreting reflected sounds (especially their own traces), a phenomenon known as human echolocation.


Electroreception (or electroception ) is the ability to detect an electric field. Some species of fish, sharks, and rays have the ability to sense changes in the electric field around them. For these cartilaginous fishes occur through a special organ called Ampullae of Lorenzini. Some fish passively feel the changes in the nearest electric field; some produce their own weak electric field, and feel the pattern of potential field above their surface; and some use electric field generation and sensing capacity for social communication. The mechanism by which electroceptive fish construct a spatial representation of a very small difference in field potential involves a comparison of spike latency from different parts of the fish body.

The only orders of mammals that are known to show electroception are dolphins and monotonous commands. Among these mammals, the platypus has the most acute electrostatic flavor.

Dolphins can detect electric fields in water using electroreceptors in crypts vibrissal mounted in pairs on the muzzle and that evolved from the movement sensors of the whiskers. These electroreceptors can detect an electric field as weak as 4.6 microvolts per centimeter, as produced by muscle contraction and pumping gills that are potentially prey. This allows dolphins to search for prey from the seafloor where sediment limits visibility and eco-location.

Body modification enthusiasts experiment with magnetic implants to try to replicate this sense. However, in general humans (and other alleged mammals) can detect electric fields only indirectly by detecting the effects they have on the hair. An electrically charged balloon, for example, will exert force on the human arm of the arm, which can be felt through tactics and identified as coming from a static charge (and not from wind or the like). This is not an electroreception, because it is a post-sensory cognitive action.


Magnetoception (or magnetoreception ) is the ability to detect the direction a person faces based on the Earth's magnetic field. Awareness of direction is most often observed in birds, which depend on their magnetic sense to navigate during migration. It has also been observed in insects such as bees. Cows use magnetoception to adjust to the north-south direction. Magnetotactic bacteria build a miniature magnet inside them and use it to determine their orientation relative to the Earth's magnetic field.


Hygroreception is the ability to detect changes in environmental moisture levels.

Infrared sensing

The ability to sense infrared heat radiation evolves independently in various snake families. Basically, it allows this reptile to "see" the heat of the jets at wavelengths between 5 and 30? M to a degree of accuracy like a blind rattlesnake can target vulnerable body parts of the prey in which it attacks. It was previously suspected that organs evolved primarily as a prey detector, but it is now believed that such organs can also be used in thermoregulation decision making. Facial holes undergo parallel evolution in pitvipers and some boils and pythons, having evolved once in the pitviper and several times in boas and pythons. Electrophysiological structures are similar between two lineages, but they differ in gross structural anatomy. Most superficially, the pitviper has one large hole on either side of the head, between the eye and the nostrils (the Loreal hole), while the boas and pythons have three or more relatively smaller holes in the upper and sometimes lower lip, in or between scales. Those who are of the more advanced pitvipers, have suspended sensory membranes as opposed to simple hole structures. In the Viperidae family, pit organs are seen only in the Crotalinae subfamily: pitvipers. Organs are widely used to detect and target endothermic prey such as rodents and birds, and previously assumed that organs evolved specifically for that purpose. However, recent evidence suggests that pit organs can also be used for thermoregulation. According to Krochmal et al., Pitviper can use their pit for thermoregulation decision making while a true viper (a venomous snake that does not contain heat sensing holes) can not.

Apart from IR light detection, the IR hole detection mechanism is not the same as the photoreceptors - while the photoreceptor detects light through photochemical reactions, the protein inside the snake hole is actually a temperature sensitive ion channel. It senses infrared signals through a mechanism involving warming of the pit organ, rather than a chemical reaction to light. This is consistent with a thin pit membrane, allowing incoming IR irradiation to rapidly and precisely warm the ion channel provided and trigger a nerve impulse, as well as vascularization of the membrane of the hole to cool the ion channel back to its original "rest". Temperature "or" inactivity ".


  • Pressure detection using Weber's organ, a system consisting of three vertebral appendages transferring the bladder form of gas to the middle ear. This can be used to adjust the fish's buoyancy. Fish like weather fish and other loaches are also known to respond to low-pressure areas but they do not have a swim bladder.
  • Current detection is a water-flow detection system, which consists mostly of vortices, found in the lateral strains of fish and amphibian aquatic forms. Rib lines are also sensitive to low-frequency vibrations. The mechanoreceptors are hair cells, the same mechanoreceptors for the senses of vestibular and hearing. It is used primarily for navigation, hunting, and schooling. The electric taste receptors are hair cells modified from the ribcage system.
  • The direction/detection of polarized light is used by bees to adapt, especially on cloudy days. Cuttlefish can also feel the polarization of light. Most humans who can see can actually learn to roughly detect large areas of polarization with an effect called the Haidinger brush, but this is considered an entoptic phenomenon rather than a separate flavor.
  • Spider sensitive slider detects mechanical strain in the exoskeleton, providing information about strength and vibration.

Plant sensation

By using various sensory receptors, plants feel light, gravity, temperature, humidity, chemicals, chemical gradients, reorientation, magnetic fields, infections, tissue damage and mechanical stress. In the absence of the nervous system though, plants interpret and respond to these stimuli with various lines of hormonal and cell-to-cell communication that produce motion, morphological changes and changes in physiological state at the organism level, that is, producing behavioral crops. Such physiological and cognitive functions are generally not believed to lead to mental or qualia phenomena, however, as these are usually considered to be the product of the activity of the nervous system. The emergence of mental phenomena from the activity of a functional or comparative system analogous to the nervous system is, however, a hypothetical possibility explored by several schools of thought in the field of philosophy of mind, such as functionalism and computationalism.

Q-Sense CPM - Medoc
src: medoc-web.com


At the time of William Shakespeare, there were generally counted as the five intelligences or the five senses . At that time, the words "reason" and "intelligence" are synonyms, so the senses are known as the five outer intelligences. The traditional concept of the five senses is common today.

The five traditional senses are referred to as the "five material faculties" ( paÃÆ' Â ± canna? Indriy? N? Avakanti ) in Hindu literature. They appear in allegory representations as early as in Katha Upanishad (circa 6th century BC), such as the five horses drawing the "train" body, guided by the mind as a "train driver".

The depiction of the five traditional senses as allegory became a popular subject for seventeenth-century artists, especially among the Dutch and Flemish Baroque painters. A typical example is the GÃÆ' Â © rard de Lairesse's Allegory of the Five Senses (1668), where each character in the main group alludes to a meaning: Sight is a boy lying with a convex mirror, Hearing is a cupid-shaped boy with a triangle, a smell represented by a girl with flowers, a taste represented by a woman with fruit, and a touch represented by a woman holding a bird.

How to Install the Sense Energy Monitor - Sense Blog
src: blog.sense.com

See also

src: www.effer.com


Sense comments on stem cell operation - PosAbility Magazine ...
src: posabilitymagazine.co.uk

External links

  • The 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (announced 4 October 2004) was won by Richard Axel and Linda Buck for their work describing olfactory, first published in a joint paper in 1991 that describes a large family of a thousand genes for odorant receptors and how receptors connect to the brain.
  • Answers to some questions related to human feelings and feelings from curious children
  • Physiology Verse 12 animation chapters on sight, hearing, touch, balance, and memory.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
