Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018

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Learn How to Come Into Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) Safely ...

Uttanasana ( OO -t? - NAH -s? - nah ) (Sanskrit: ????????? ; IAST: utt? n? there ), Intensive Forward-Forward Pose , Intense Stretching Pose , Standing Tent , Standing Forward Fold Pose , or Standing Head to Knees Pose is an asana.

Video Uttanasana


Name is derived from Sanskrit words Ud (???; ud) = prefix for verb or noun, showing superiority on location, rank, strength, intensity
Tana (???; t? Na) = "drawn"
Uttana (??????; utt? Na) = "intense stretch" or "straight" or "stretched", and
Asana (?????) which means "posture" or "seat".

Maps Uttanasana


Asana consists of standing with legs together, then shuffling forward from the hips, letting the head hang, with the palms placed flat on the floor near the foot.

Achieve Uttanasana the Safe Way - Yoga Journal


In Murghasana, Yogi must bow, Pass the arm between the legs and hold the earlobes with the thumb and forefinger, with easy words, holding the earlobes while in uttanasana. This asana is very good for blood circulation in the brain and face. It removes early wrinkles, sharps memory and brings light to your face.

An average yogi can easily hold this asana for 2-3 minutes but the yogis with exercise can increase their time to 15 minutes.

Yoga Ardha Uttanasana pose stock image. Image of person - 57183731

Focus anatomy

Asanas provide a complete stretch to the entire back of the body, especially the hamstrings.

Profile Of Sporty Young Man Practicing Yoga, Standing In Ardha ...

Contraindications and warnings

This uranium has been criticized by some kinesiology practitioners, physical therapists, and others, who recommend sitting rather than standing bowed forward.

Variation Of Uttanasana Yoga Pose Stock Image - Image of class ...

Alternative asana

Paschimottanasana is a safer and more comfortable variant of this frontbend which is more dependent on the active flexibility of the muscles in the later stages. It is more difficult to achieve the same flexibility because gravity can not passively assist in stretching just like in Uttanasana. Once the hand is able to hold more and more weight in Uttanasana it becomes safer and the difference in security and customizability becomes less. Although it can be said that Paschimottasana is not a forward bend that is safe for the back because the pelvis can become locked and the rigid thighs back add to the excessive pull on the lower back through the pelvis bone sitting.

Uttanasana, Intense Stretch Yoga Pose Stock Photo - Image of ...


In this case, there are two different types of information in this area.

  • Ardha Uttanasana (Sansekerta: ; IAST: ardhautt? n? sana )
  • Niralamba Uttanasana
  • Parsva Bhaga Uttanasana
  • Purna Uttanasana
  • Tiryang-Mukha Uttanasana


Padahastasana ; Sanskrit: ?????????? ; Sanskrit pronunciation: Ã, [p ?: d ???? s? t ??: s ?? n ??] ; IAST: p? Dahast? Sana ) or Hand Under the Foot Pose is an asana.


This name comes from Sanskrit words on (???; p? Da) which means "feet", cubes (???? ?; hast?) Which means "hands", and asanas (???;?) which means "posture" or "seat".


Padahastasana is an asana that stands, upside down whose arms are stretched to hold the foot.

Anatomy focus

Asana meregangkan seluruh punggung tubuh dari kepala hingga tumit.

Standing Forward Bend Uttanasana Yoga Pose Demonstrated By The ...

Lihat juga

  • Daftar asana

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Bacaan lebih lanjut

  • Iyengar, B. K. S. (1 Oktober 2005). Illustrated Light On Yoga . HarperCollins. ISBN: 978-81-7223-606-9 . Diperoleh 9 April 2011 .
  • Saraswati, Swami Janakananda (1 Februari 1992). Yoga, Tantra, dan Meditasi dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari . Weiser Books. ISBNÂ 978-0-87728-768-1 . Diperoleh 11 April 2011 .
  • Saraswati, Swami Satyananda (1 Agustus 2003). Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha . Nesma Books India. ISBN: 978-81-86336-14-4 . Diperoleh 9 April 2011 .
  • Saraswati, Swami Satyananda (Januari 2004). Kursus Sistematik dalam Teknik Tantrik Kuno Yoga dan Kriya . Nesma Books India. ISBN: 978-81-85787-08-4 . Diperoleh 9 April 2011 .

Uttanasana, Intense Forward-Bending Pose - YouTube

Tautan eksternal

  • "Witold Fitz-Simon - Uttanasana" . Diperoleh 2011-04-11 .

Uttanasana, Intense Forward Bend Yoga Pose Stock Photo - Image of ...


Source of the article : Wikipedia
