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The Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor or ( PARR ) are two nuclear research reactors and two other experimental neutron sources located at PINSTECH Laboratory, Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan.

In addition, a reprocessing facility called New Labs is also available for research and production of nuclear weapons.

The first nuclear reactor was provided and built financially by the United States Government in the mid-1960s. Other reactor and reprocessing facilities were built and supplied by the Atomic Energy Commission of Pakistan (PAEC) in the 1970s and 1980s respectively. Guided by the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the first two reactors are subject to the IAEA safeguards and inspections.

Video Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor

Sejarah PARR-Reactors

The PARR-I Reactor was supplied by the United States government in 1965 under the Atoms for Peace program. The PINSTECH Institute was designed by American architect Edward Durrell Stone, when noted Pakistani scientists, Abdus Salam and Ishrat Hussain Usmani traveled to the United States in the early 1960s. The first reactor was supplied by American Machine and Foundry as its contractor, and the first reactor was built by American nuclear engineer Peter Karter.

In the first phase, the reactor building and supporting facilities were completed with the reactor to be critical on December 21, 1965. The second stage, which consisted of various laboratories, workshops, libraries and auditoriums, began operating in 1974. The facility was last improved by PAEC chairman and noted scientist nuclear, Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan in 1989.

Maps Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor

PARR-I Reactor

The PARR-I Reactor is the first reactor supplied by American Machine and Foundry. Peter Karter personally oversaw the construction of the reactor. PARR-I is a type of Pool Pool type research reactor and Material Test Reactor (MTR). Originally based on designed to use Very uranium (HEU) fuel, HEU fuel uses ~ 93% enriched in 235 U at 5 MW power level. The first reactor became critical on December 21, 1965 under the supervision of Abdus Salam, Hafeez Qureshi, Samar Mubarakmand, Naeem Ahmad Khan and Dr. Hameed Ahmad Khan.

The PARR-I Reactor achieved its full power on June 22, 1966. In PARR-I, it is virtually impossible to adopt securing a fresh supply of HEU fuel. However, to ensure the viability of nuclear fuel, PARR-I was converted to use ~ 20% Low enriched uranium (LEU) from 235 U in October 1991 The nuclear fuel conversion program led by PAEC chairman Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan. PAEC Chairman Munir Ahmad Khan also increased the reactor power level from 5 MW to 10 MW.

This program is conducted to meet the demands of higher neutron flux for the purpose of experimental research and isotope production. Enhanced reactors are also available to compensate for the decrease in neutron flux due to higher concentrations of 238 U in LEU fuels compared with HEU fuels. The reactor was made critical on 31 October 1991 under the supervision of dr. Ansar Pervaiz and dr. Iqbal Hussain Qureshi, and reached a power level of 10 MW on May 7, 1992. The core configuration reached the equilibrium configuration in February 1995.

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PARR-II Reactor

The PARR-II reactor is a self-designed and built reactor owned by the Atomic Energy Commission of Pakistan. The design of the PARR-II Reactor is similar to the miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) and the SLOWPOKE reactor. The reactor was designed locally by PAEC as Munir chairman Ahmad Khan and his team of engineers and scientists also led the construction of the reactor. The PARR-II reactor has become critical and commenced operations on 21 January 1974. The PARR-II reactor is a tank-in-pool reactor with a rated power of 27-30 kW. Just like the first reactor, the reactor is designed to use the Enrich Uranium (HEU) High fuel. HEU fuel uses ~ 90% 235 U at a power level of 30 kW. The demineralized light water is used as a cooling moderator and reactor core is reflected by Be 4 metal.

An PARR-II consists of a core reactor, a control rod, and a nuclear reflector, and it is enclosed in a water-tight cylindrical Al 13 vessel. The nuclear reactor core is under-moderated aray with 1 H to 235 U temperature ratio of 20 Â ° C and provides strong negative temperature coefficient and thermal volume coefficient of reactivity. PAEC scientists and engineers also built and built a nuclear accelerator on April 9, 1989. Particle accelerators are widely used for research in nuclear technology.

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New Lab

Unlike PARR-I and PARR-II, the New Lab is not subject to the IAEA inspection. and completely different from the parent reactor. It is a plutonium fuel reprocessing plant and serves as a pilot facility 94 Pu recycling with the ability to use ~ 7% 239 Pu, to handle isotopes and use 86 Kr emissions and radiation. It is also a reprocessing plant to change & lt; ~ 7% 239 Pu to & lt; ~ 7% gun-grade 240 Pu fuel. The new lab was designed and built locally by the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) under the leadership of Munir Ahmad Khan while its project director was engineer Chaudhry Abdul Majeed. Construction of facilities led by NESPAK.

In the 1960s PAEC contracted projects with British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL), and Saint-Gobain Techniques Nouvelles (SGN). PAEC engineers and scientists lead initial designs for large-scale processing plants with the capacity to reprocess 100 tonnes of fuel annually, while BNFL and SGN provide funding, technical assistance and nuclear fuel. However, after the nuclear tests of Operation Smiling Buddha in India, the two British and French consumer companies immediately canceled their contract with PAEC.

The factory was completed in 1981 and a cold reprocessing test for plutonium production took place at New Labs in 1986. The New Labs became the center of attention when Pakistan secretly tested a plutonium-based nuclear device in Kirana Hills. On May 30, 1999, PAEC scientists, under the famous nuclear physicist Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, has tested a miniature nuclear device believed to be a Plutonium device likely to be reprocessed by Pakistani scientists into class weapons at New Labs. Test results from nuclear devices reported 12-40 kt.

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Charge Particle Accelerator

In early 1983, a nuclear physicist from Pakistan. Samar Mubarakmand develops and forms neutron particles and nuclear accelerators to conduct explosive research of nuclear elements and isotopes in nuclear devices. Known as the Charged Particle Accelerator (CPA), the nuclear accelerator is a 250 keV Ion accelerator that can deliver all Gaseous ions such as H, N, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe or molecular ion. The accelerator energy range is very flexible and ions between 50 to 250 keV can be sent to target dimensions ranging from a few mm to many centimeters.

The particle facility is designed for implantation of 42 Mo, 51 Sn, and 46 Pb into steel, friction can be reduced by up to ~ 50%. During the process of ion implantation, oxidation is inhibited by the corresponding ions such as 5 B, 20 Ca into the metal. PINSTECH accelerators can be used by a shared arrangement between PINSTECH and other industries or organizations.

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Rapid Neutron Generator

In 1961, the United States Government led the creation of a source of ICF-based Fusion electric experiments near Nilore, prior to the establishment of the PINSTECH Institute. The neutron generator was purchased by PAEC from Texas A & amp; M Nuclear Science Center. This facility is capable of producing mono-energetic neutrons at 3.5-14.7MeV of deuterium-tritium reactions produced by Fusion forces. This fusion experimental device has the ability to capture low neutron flux in the order of 10 5 10 8 neutron per cm < span> 2 per second, generating nucleosynthesis by the s-process (slow-neutron-capture process). It is designed and planned to perform rapid neutron activation for elements such as oxygen and nitrogen as well as some rare earth isotopes.

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External links

  • PARR Reactor
  • PARR-I
  • Nuclear Reactor PARR

Source of the article : Wikipedia
