Bharadvajasana ( IPA: Â [b ?? r? d ???: ??: s ? n?] ; Sansekerta: ?????????? ; IAST: Bharadv? j? sana ) adalah an? sana.
Video Bharadvajasana
The asana dedicated to wise Bharadv? Ja who is one of the Saptarshis (Seven Great Sages Rishi) in Manvantara today; the others are Atri, Vashishtha, Vishvamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni and Kashyapa. Bharadv? Ja is also the father of Drona who is an advanced military arts expert and royal teacher for Kauravas, Pandavas and Devastras., The princes who fought with the great war which is the subject of Mahà bh? Align.
Maps Bharadvajasana
Bharadv? J? There is a spinal cord sitting base. It has three main variations:
- Bharadv? j? there II is an advanced variation requiring high hip mobility in which one leg is articulated as in Padmasana (lotus position), while the other foot is articulated as in V? R? There.
- Bharadv? j? there I is the basic variation in which the foot is articulated as in v? r? there falls to one side of one foot on the floor and the other ankles lull in the arch of the foot below.
- Bharadv? j? there in the seat is a third variant that sits sideways in a sleeveless chair, which does not require hip mobility, utilizes the rear seat to provide gentle resistance to the arm, to help twist.
Vinyasa to Bharadv? J? There I started in dandasana from where,
- The legs are bent on the knees, dropping them to the left, carrying the legs to the right hip.
- The right foot ends down on the floor and carries the left ankle inside the right leg arch.
- The torso is turned 45 Â ° to the left.
- The right arm is straightened and hands are inserted under the left knee.
- The feet are released, returning to the dandasana for a moment to release the knee.
- Repeat on the left side.
The main action in Bharadv? J? There is a rotation of the spine toward the leg that is articulated as in V? R?
During rotation the torso is rotated correctly using the action of a pair of muscles that work synergistically like the left external oblique and the internal right oblique that works while the oblique external right and left oblique are internally stretched. Thus the ability to twist depends both on the strength of the obliques and their ability to stretch, which can limit the rotation. If the ujjayi breathing technique is used, all of the following muscles can be recruited for spinal twisting.
- Throughout the spine.
- multifidus.
- Rotator.
- Intertransariarii.
- The muscle of the spinae erector consists of longissimus, iliocastalis and spinalis.
- Cervicis iliocastalis.
- The rotation of the neck is due to the rotation in the cervical spine using
- Sternokleidomastoid left and right at the side of the neck.
- Left and right spirits behind the neck.
- Long colli behind the neck.
- Skalena in the back.
- The scapulae levator behind.
- The rotation of the torso is due to the thoracic and lumbar spine and use
- Obliques inside and out.
- Major psoas left and right.
- The quadratus lumborum.
At Bharadv? J? There, a typical practitioner should expect a rotation of 5Ã,  ° in lumbar spine (yellow); 35Ã,  ° in thoracic spines (indigo) and 50Ã, in the cervical spine (red ). This adds up to 90Ã,  ° spinal rotation between the hips and head that can be achieved in this round. But only the rod rotation has 26 articulation points and if one has a reduced range of motion, others will be forced to compensate excessively which is a risk factor that contributes to injury in the yoga corners.
Reducing mobility in the hip will require some flexion of the spine (leaning forward). In all but the most tight of the hips this can usually be compensated by sitting on a support slice allowing for a cleaner twisting motion without forward flexion. If the wedge can not keep up then Bharadv? J? There, to be seated in a chair.
To help block the butt on the opposite side of the rotation (for example, when twisted to the right, the left butt can cause the spine more out of the alignment). The Organizer standing on the left side the student should place the left foot above the left thigh student with the inside edge of the foot in the hip fold and gently apply pressure. As the student exhales into the round, the upper left thigh should relax away from adjusting feet. The regulator can reach out and place the fingers on both shoulders to help students find the correct shoulder alignment through the reverse movement and open the chest.
For correct spinal alignment, both buttocks should be in contact with the floor. If the twisting causes a person to tilt to the butt on the oblique side, the folded mat should be placed under another butt to allow one to relax with both butts on the floor.
Source of the article : Wikipedia