Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

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History of watches - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

The history of watches began in the 16th century in Europe, where watches evolved from portable spring clocks, which first appeared in the 15th century. The watch that grew from the 16th century to the mid-20th century was a mechanical device, supported by the main thrust spinning that shifted the gears and then moved the hands, and saved the time with the spinning wheel of the wheel. The discovery of quartz clocks in the 1960s, which run on electricity and saved time with quivering quartz crystals, proved a radical departure for industry. During the 1980s quartz watches took over the market from mechanical watches, an event called "quartz crisis". Although mechanical watches still sell well at the high end of the market, most watches now have quartz movement.

One story about the origin of the word "watch" is that it comes from the Old English word woecce meaning "guard", because it is used by city guards to track their shift. Others say that the term came from a seventeenth-century sailor, who used a new mechanism to regulate the time of their ships watches (shift assignments).

Video History of watches


The first timepieces to be worn, made in the early 16th century in the German cities of Nuremberg and Augsburg, were the transitional measures between clock and watch. Portable timepieces were made possible by the discovery of a major thrust at the beginning of the 15th century. Nuremberg clockmaker Peter Henlein (or Henle or Hele) (1485-1542) is often considered the inventor of watches. He was one of the first German craftsmen to make a "watch" ( taschenuhr ), an ornamental wristwatch worn as a pendant, which is the first watch worn on the body. His fame was based on a passage by Johann CochlÃÆ'¤us in 1511,

Peter Hele, still a young man, a working mode that was even the most learned scholar of mathematics. He formed many wheel clocks from small pieces of iron, which ran and blended with hours without weights for forty hours, whether carried on the chest or in handbags

However, other German watchmakers created miniature timepieces during this period, and there is no evidence that Henlein was the first.

These 'clocks' are tied to a garment or worn on a chain around the neck. They are cylindrical brass-shaped cylinders in diameter a few inches, engraved and ornamented. They only have one watch. His face is not covered with glass, but usually has a hinged brass cover, often stuck with a grille so the time can be read without opening. The movement is made of iron or steel and is held together with pointed pins and slices, until the screws start to be used after 1550. Many movements include striking mechanisms or alarms. They usually have to be fed twice a day. The shape then evolved into a round shape; this is then called Nuremberg egg . Still at the end of the century there is a tendency for regular-shaped watches, and clocks shaped like books, animals, fruits, stars, flowers, insects, crosses, and even skulls (head clocks of death) are made.

These early hours are not used to tell time. The accuracy of their threshold and foliot movements is very bad, with errors maybe several hours per day, that they are practically useless. They are made as jewelry and novelty to the nobility, valued for their fine ornaments, unusual shapes, or interesting mechanisms, and accurate timeliness is unimportant.

Maps History of watches


The style changed in the 17th century and men began wearing watches in pockets, not as pendants (women's watches remained pendants until the 20th century). This was said to happen in 1675 when Charles II of England introduced the vest. It's not just a matter of fashion or prejudice; hours of the famous time are prone to fouling from exposure to the elements, and are only reliably kept safe from harm if taken safely in the pocket. To fit the pockets, the shape evolves into a typical, round and flat pocketwatch with no sharp edges. Glass used to cover the face began around 1610. Fobs Watch began to be used, a name derived from the German word fuppe , a small pocket. Later in the 1800s Prince Albert, Empress to Queen Victoria, introduced an accessory 'Albert chain', designed to secure pocket watches for male outergarment with clips. The watch is twisted and also arranged by opening the back and attaching the key to a square arbor, and rotating it.

The timeliness mechanism in this early pocket watch is the same clock used in the clock, which was discovered in the 13th century; a runaway threshold that drives a foliot, a dumbbell-shaped bar with weights on its end, oscillating back and forth. However, the primary impulse of introducing the source of error is not present in hours of heavy-duty. The force provided by the spring is not constant, but decreases when the spring breaks down. The rate of all timing mechanisms is affected by changes in the driving force, but primitive and primitive foliot mechanisms are very sensitive to these changes, so early watches slow down over the period as the main impulse flows. This problem, called the lack of isochronism, has struck mechanical watches throughout their history.

Attempts to improve the accuracy of the hours before 1657 are focused at night out of the steep torque curve of the prime impulse. Two devices to do this have appeared in the first hours: stackfreed and fusee . Stackfreed, a spring cam on the main axle, adds a lot of friction and is abandoned after about a century. Fusee is a much more lasting idea. A curved conical pulley with its twisted chain attached to the main barrel, it changes the leverage when spring is canceled, equating the driving force. Fusees became standard in all watches, and was used until the early 19th century. Foliots are also gradually replaced by a balance wheel, which has a higher inertia moment for its size, allowing better timekeeping.

The oldest watch in the world (is maybe from 1505) - Your Watch Hub
src: www.yourwatchhub.com

Balanced balance

The big leap forward in accuracy occurred in 1657 with the addition of a spring balance to the balance wheel, a discovery that was disputed both at the time and since between Robert Hooke and Christiaan Huygens. Prior to this, the only force that restricted the forward motion of the equilibrium wheel under runaway force was the inertia of the wheel. This causes the wheel period to be very sensitive to the power of the main thrust. The balance spring makes the balance of the harmonic oscillator wheel, with a natural 'beat' that is resistant to interference. The accuracy of these watches is greatly increased, reducing errors from perhaps several hours per day to perhaps 10 minutes per day, resulting in the addition of minute to face needles from about 1680 in the UK and 1700 in France. The increased accuracy of the balance wheel focuses on the error caused by other parts of the movement, triggering a wave of two waves of clock-making innovation.

The first thing to fix is ​​the escape. The breakout threshold was replaced in quality watches by cylinder escapement, invented by Thomas Tompion in 1695 and further developed by George Graham in the 1720s. In the UK, some quality watches switched to duplex stripping, discovered by Jean Baptiste Dutertre in 1724. The advantage of this escape is that they only give the wheel a short-thrust balance in the middle of its swing, thus making it 'detached' from the discharge to swing back and forth - undisturbed for most of the cycle.

During the same period, improvements in manufacturing such as the gear machine designed by Robert Hooke enabled an increase in the volume of watch production, although completion and assembly were still done by hand until entering the 19th century.

vacheron-constantin-overseas-time-and-date-2006 - Monochrome Watches
src: d23x6d9cx8qezf.cloudfront.net

Temperature compensation and chronometer

The Enlightenment view of watches as a scientific instrument brought rapid progress to their mechanism. The development during the accurate sea kronometer period to determine longitude during sea voyages resulted in many technological advancements which were then used in watches. It was found that the main cause of errors in the equilibrium wheel timepieces is a change in the elasticity of spring balance with temperature changes. This problem was solved by a bimetallic temperature balance wheel created in 1765 by Pierre Le Roy and upgraded by Thomas Earnshaw. This type of balance wheel has two semicircular arms made of bimetallic construction. If the temperature rises, both arms slightly bend inward, causing the balance wheel to rotate faster back and forth, compensating for the slowdown due to weaker spring balance. This system, which can reduce errors caused by temperatures up to a few seconds per day, gradually begins to be used in watches for the next hundred years.

The barrel made in 1760 by Jean-Antoine LÃ © Â © pine provided a more constant driving force during the watch period, and its adoption in the 19th century made fusion obsolete. Elaborate pocket chronometers and astronomical watches with many hands and functions were made during this period.

The History of the Casio G-Shock • Gear Patrol
src: cdn.gearpatrol.com

Stream drag

The release of the lever, invented by Thomas Mudge in 1759 and repaired by Josiah Emery in 1785, gradually began to be used from 1800 onwards, especially in England; it was also adopted by Abraham-Louis Breguet, but the Swiss watchmaker (who is now a major supplier of watches for most of Europe) mostly held on to cylinders until the 1860s. Around 1900, however, levers were used in almost every hour made. In this escape the runaway wheel is propelled on a T-shaped 'lever', which is unlocked as the balance wheel swings through its center position and gives a brief impetus to the wheel before releasing it. The advantage of the lever is that it allows the balance wheel to swing completely free for most of its cycle; because 'locking' and 'drawing' the action is very precise; and it starts itself, so if the balance wheel is stopped by the jar it will start again.

The gem bearings, introduced in England in 1702 by Swiss mathematician Nicolas Fatio de Duillier, also began to be used for quality watches during this period. This period watch is characterized by its thinness. New innovations, such as cylinder and lever transfers, allow watches to be much thinner than before. This causes a change of style. The pocket watch is thick based on the threshold movement out of fashion and is only worn by the poor, and is mockingly referred to as "onion" and "radish".

Mass production

At Vacheron Constantin, Geneva, Georges-Auguste Leschot (1800-1884), pioneered the field of exchange in watchmaking by invention of various machine tools. In 1830 he designed an anchor escape, whose pupil, Antoine LÃÆ'Â chaud, was then mass-produced. He also created a pantograph, allowing some degree of standardization and interchangeability of parts on watches equipped with the same caliber.

Britain has been dominating in watchmaking for most of the 17th and 18th centuries, but maintains a production system directed to high-quality products for the elite. Despite attempts to modernize the clock-making with mass production techniques and the application of duplicate tools and machinery by the British Watch Company in 1843, it was in the United States that the system was taking off. Aaron Lufkin Dennison started a factory in 1851 in Massachusetts that used interchangeable parts, and in 1861 run a successful company incorporated as Waltham Watch Company.

The rigorous requirements of trains for accurate watches to schedule trains safely promote increased accuracy. Engineer Webb C. Ball, founded around 1891 first precision standards and a reliable watch examination system for Railroad chronometers. The temperature balance wheel of temperature compensation began to be widely used in watches during this period, and the gem bearings became almost universal. Techniques to adjust spring balance to isokronism and position errors found by Abraham-Louis Breguet, M. Phillips, and L. Lossier were adopted. The first international watch-making contest took place in 1876, during the International Hundred Years Exhibition in Philadelphia (the top four winning watches, who beat all competitors, have been randomly selected from the mass production line), on display is also the first fully automatic machine maker screw. In 1900, with this advancement, the accuracy of quality watches, adjusted correctly, ended at a few seconds per day.

The American clock industry, with a number of companies located in the Naugatuck Valley, Connecticut, produces millions of hours, producing a nickname, "Swiss of America". The Waterbury Clock Company is one of the largest manufacturers for domestic sales and exports, mainly to Europe. Today his successor, Timex Group USA, Inc. is the only hour company left in the region.

From about 1860, the winding key was replaced by a lockless winding, where the wristwatch was twisted by turning the crown. The delays of pallet palettes, the inexpensive version of levers levers discovered in 1876 by Georges Frederic Roskopf were used in manufactured cheap watches, which allowed ordinary workers to have watches for the first time; Other cheap watches use a simplified version of the duplex breakout, developed by Daniel Buck in the 1870s.

During the 20th century, clock mechanical design became standard, and progress was made in materials, tolerances, and production methods. The bimetallic temperature balance wheel is made obsolete by the invention of low invar and elinvar thermal-coefficient coefficients. The invar balance wheel with elinvar springs is virtually unaffected by changes in temperature, thus replacing the delicate balance of temperature compensation. The discovery in 1903 of a process for producing artificial sapphire made jewelry cheap. The bridge construction replaces the 3/4 plate construction.


Some say the world's first watch was invented by Abraham-Louis Breguet for Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples, in 1810.

The concept of watches returned to the earliest production of watches in the 16th century. Elizabeth I of England received a watch from Robert Dudley in 1571, described as a wristwatch. From the very beginning, watches were almost exclusively worn by women, while men used pocket watches until the early 20th century. In the mid-nineteenth century, most watchmakers produced various watches, often marketed as bracelets, for women.

Wristwatches were first worn by military people towards the end of the nineteenth century, when the importance of synchronizing maneuvers during war without potentially revealing plans to enemies through signaling was increasingly recognized. It's clear that using a pocket watch while in the middle of a battle or when mounted on a horse is impractical, so officers start tying watches to their wrists. The Garstin Company of London patented the design of 'Bracelet Jewelry' in 1893, though they probably produced a similar design from the 1880s. Obviously, the market for men's watches appeared at that time. Officers in the British Army began using watches during colonial military campaigns in the 1880s, such as during the Anglo-Burmese War of 1885.

During the Boer War, the importance of coordinating troop movements and synchronizing attacks on highly mobile Boer rebels was paramount, and the use of watches later became widespread among officer classes. Mappin & amp; Webb started their successful 'campaign oversight' campaign for soldiers during a campaign in Sudan in 1898 and increased production for the Boer War a few years later.

This initial model was basically a standard pocket watch mounted on a leather strap, but in the early 20th century, manufacturers started producing specially made watches. Swiss company, Dimier FrÃÆ'¨res & amp; Cie patented the design of the wristwatch with the now standard wire lugs in 1903. In 1904, Alberto Santos-Dumont, Brazil's early aviator, asked his friend, French watchmaker Louis Cartier, to design a watch that could be useful during his flight. Hans Wilsdorf moved to London in 1905 and started his own business with his brother-in-law Alfred Davis, Wilsdorf & amp; Davis, providing quality watches at affordable prices - the company later became Rolex. Wilsdorf was the first to switch to watches, and contracted the Swiss Aegler firm to produce a watch line. His Rolex watch of 1910 became the first watch to receive certification as a chronometer in Switzerland and later won an award in 1914 from the Kew Observatory in London.

The impact of the First World War dramatically changed the public perception of the courtesy of men's watches, and opened mass markets in the post-war era. The artillery tactics of the creeping attack, developed during the War, required an appropriate synchronization between the artillery shooters and the infantry who advanced behind the barrage of attacks. The service watches produced during the War are specifically designed for the hardness of the trench warfare, with luminous dial and unbreakable glass. Watches are also found necessary in as much air on the ground: military pilots find them more comfortable than pocket watches for the same reason as Santos-Dumont. The British War Department began issuing watches to combatants from 1917.

The H. Williamson Ltd. Company, based in Coventry, was one of the first companies to take advantage of this opportunity. During 1916 the company's GMS noted that "... people buy practical things in life.No one can honestly contend that watches are a luxury item.It is said that one soldier in every four wears a watch wristband , and the other three means getting one as fast as they can. "At the end of the War, almost all men enlisted wearing watches, and after they were demobilized, the fashion was soon caught - the British Horological Journal wrote in 1917 that"... bracelet watches are of little use by the strict sex before the war, but are now seen on the wrists of almost every man in uniform and many men in civilian attire. "In 1930, the wrist-to-pocketwatches ratio was 50 to 1. The self-winding system the first success discovered by John Harwood in 1923. In 1961, the first wristwatch traveled in space; it's Russian.

Electric watch

The first generation of electric powered watches came out during the 1950s. This keeps the time with the balance wheel supported by the solenoid, or in some sophisticated watch that signifies the quartz clock, by a vibrating steel tuning fork at 360 Hz, supported by a solenoid driven by a transistor oscillator circuit. The hands are still moving mechanically with the wheel cart. In mechanical watches, self-winding mechanisms, shockproof balance axis, and primary 'white metal' springs become standard. The madness of this gem causes 'gem inflation' and watches with up to 100 gems produced.

Quartz clock

In 1959, Seiko placed an order with Epson (Seiko's daughter company and 'brains' behind the quartz revolution) to begin developing quartz watches. The project is codenamed 59A. At the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Seiko had a working prototype of a portable quartz clock used as a measurement of time during the event.

The first quartz watch to enter production was Seiko 35 SQ Astron, which crashed into a shelf on December 25, 1969, which is the most accurate watch in the world to date. Because the technology has been developed by contributions from Japan, America and Switzerland, no one can patent the entire movement of quartz watches, thus enabling other manufacturers to participate in the rapid growth and development of the quartz watch market, this ends - in less than a decade - nearly 100 years of dominance by the legacy of mechanical watches.

The introduction of the quartz clock in 1969 is a revolutionary increase in watch technology. In place of the balance wheel that oscillates at 5 beats per second, it uses a quartz crystal resonator that vibrates at 8.192 Hz, driven by a battery-powered oscillator circuit. In place of wheel carts to add taps to seconds, minutes, and clocks, it uses a digital counter. The higher Q factor of the resonator, along with the low quartz temperature coefficient, produces better accuracy than the best mechanical watches, while the removal of all moving parts makes the watch more shock resistant and eliminates the need for periodic cleaning. The first digital electronic clock with LED display was developed in 1970 by Pulsar. In 1974, Omega Marine Chronometer was introduced, the first watch to hold Marine Chronometer certification, and accurate up to 12 seconds per year.

Accuracy increases with the crystal frequency used, but so does the power consumption. So the first generation watch has a low frequency of a few kilohertz, limiting its accuracy. Using CMOS and LCD logic power savings in the second generation improves battery life and allows the crystal frequency to be increased to 32,768 Hz resulting in an accuracy of 5-10 seconds per month. In the 1980s, quartz watches had taken over most of the watch market from the mechanical watch industry. This upheaval, which saw most watchmakers moving into the Far East, is referred to in the industry as a "quartz crisis".

In 2010, Miyota (Citizen Watch) Japan introduced a newly developed movement that uses a new type of ultra-high quartz (262,144 kHz) quartz crystals that is claimed to be accurate up to/- 10 seconds a year, and has a second hand that sweeps smoother than the jump.

Radio controlled watch

In 1990, Junghans offers the first radio-controlled watch, MEGA 1. In this type, the quartz oscillator watches are set to the exact time of day by encoded time radio signals broadcast by government-operated time stations such as JJY, MSF, RBU, DCF77, and WWVB, received by the radio receiver in hours. This allows the watch to have the same long-term accuracy as the atomic clock that controls the time signal. The latest models are able to receive sync signals from various time stations around the world.

Atomic watch

In 2013 Bathys Hawaii introduced the Cesium 133 Atomic Watch first watch to save time with an internal atomic clock. Unlike the radio clock described above, which achieves atomic clock accuracy with quartz clock circuits that are corrected by radio timing signals received from government atomic clocks, these watches contain small cesium atomic clocks on a chip. Reported to keep a one-second accuracy time in 1000 years.

The watch is based on a chip developed by the groundbreaking Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) program of the US Agency for Advanced Defense Research (DARPA) that began in 2001, and produced the first atomic clock prototype prototype in 2005. Symmetricom began manufacturing chips on 2011. As with other cesium clocks, the clock saves time with an ultrasonic 9.192631770 GHz microwave signal generated by an electron transition between two levels of hyperfin energy in cesium atoms, which is divided down by a digital counter to give a 1 Hz clock signal to the push of the hand. On the chip, the liquid metal cesium in a small capsule is heated to vaporize cesium. The laser emits infrared rays which are modulated by a microwave oscillator through a capsule to a photodetector. When the oscillator is at the exact frequency of the transition, the cesium atom absorbs light, reducing the output of the photodetector. The output of the photodetector is used as a feedback loop in a phase locked loop to keep the oscillator at the correct frequency. The breakthrough that allows a rack-sized cesium clock to shrink small enough to fit on a chip is a technique called a coherent population trap, which eliminates the need for a large microwave cavity.

The watch was designed by John Patterson, head of Bathys, who read about chips and decided to design a watch around him, financed by a Kickstarter campaign. Because the large 1½-inch chips are big and rectangular watches. It should be replenished every 30 hours.


See also

  • Patek Philippe
  • Breitling
  • Fortis Uhren AG
  • IWC
  • Longines
  • Raketa
  • Time logging history
  • Zeno-Watch Basel
  • Horology


External links

  • Works with simple mechanical clocks
  • The earliest wristwatch and overview
  • Peter Henlein: Pomander Watch Anno 1505
  • First Colonial Watch America

Source of the article : Wikipedia
